Marvel and BBC Newsletter , Fake Ideas


 Congress is the Law
the Laws of Congress  is the  Authorities. 
       Who Do the Police Work For.
  • who is the Government of the Police

  • who is the Government of the Cops

  • who is the Government of the Officers around in Internationals. The Margins Of Paris France . 

  • who is the Government of the military Of Internationals. robots Cyber-Men .

  • who is the Government of the Military Branch Of Internationals.  Multiverse 

  • who is the Government of the Company you work for,. If Internationals. 

  • who is the Government of the Police. ?  A Fake Government .

  • When Congress Laws is the Government. It referees. 

  •  Not the Police, not the Cops , Not the Officers. Of Fake Jobs and Fake Work Fake Government ,  ..
  • Not the Military Of Internationals .

  • Police is Not the Law, They Have No Rights IN the Congress Counrty.

  • when you is the Police ,  It is Act of International Bibles.
  • who is the Government of the  Police , 
  • who did the Police work for.

  • Who is your Leader

  • who is your  Government , who is the Police Leader,.
  • who is the Government of the Cops/ All Acts of Job from Bibles. 

  • when you is the Cops, who is your Government.
  • when you is the Officers ,Which Country Do you Represent,.Where in the Multiverses, That is A ct of Internationals Job of Acts from Bibles. 
  •    who is your Government , .

  •    who is the Government of the   Personnel When the Act of Job was Multiverses of Internationals. 

  • when you is the Personnel 

  • ,  

when you is  military , who is your Government , Who is your Country ... Multiverses.  
when you is at Church who is your Government
when you is at Work, who is your Government , 
when you is at School and Collage , who is your Government .
  when you go home  who is your Leader , 
when you go to a Party , who is your Government, 
Who is your Leader.
  •  When you is a  u.s. military veteran, who is your Government  Of Country .

  • when you is in the Mood to  find a Job and Get Hired , who is your Government, 
  • when you is at Work and you is about to  Cash your Paycheck , who is your Government. 
  • when you is about to go shopping , what then , who is your Government. 
  • when you is in the Mood to shop at Congress Country Malls, 
  • when you is military asking for Fund, who is your Government. Where is your Country? 
  •  when you Need water, who is your Government /
  • when you need Food , who is your Government., 
  • when you get Hours at work , who is your Government and what Country was you Born from.
When your  fake Government Invented New Laws and , 

Microsoft Code ideas , Who is your Government

For a Case file , Who is your Government. Which Country , Which Multiverses ?  

For a Leader , Who is your Government

Political scientists study the structure in Code Ideas. Who is your Government

 and theory of student whom became A Government Rank and seek practical and theoretical solutions to political problems.
Who is your Government

 Most current studies and research concentrate on ideas
Who is your Government

 tangible topics such as welfare reform, political campaigns and elections, foreign relations, and immigration 
Who is your Government
 code Talk.
Who is your Government
political ideas and analyze governments, policies, political trends, and related issues.
Who is your Government?

Political scientists work to understand government and politics in theory and in practice by considering topics in international relations

Who is your Government, when  government operations, ...Who is your Government
Who is your Government
For the Civil Right Government , Who is your Government, Which Country is you from., ,.,,.
 what is your Nationality ., Who is your Government

 (Who is your Government?!
 Congress is the Government. Congress is the State Laws and the County Laws.

 Congress is the Government. Congress is the State Laws, Congress is any State Laws. Congress is the County Laws.
Congress is the Government. Congress is the City Laws, Congress is the City Hall Laws, Congress is the Town Hall Laws.
Congress is Gods Laws,. Congress is the Laws of Physics., 
(File a Claim Not a Business school Case File.)
File a Claim Not a Business School Case File.
File a Insurances  Claim Not a Case file From a Business Collage.
Case File Come from Business School .

When The authorities In Congress  are chatting about the Police , Officers and the Cops and the  military and Personnel Of Fake Governments

who is your Government , and why are you in the Congress Country Breaking their Laws with Your Government and Leaders.
When you Dispatch a case file , Who is your Government? Which Country , How many Company has you on file. 

 When the Cops and Police Invent New Laws, who is your Government  and from what Country.

 How does your Leader get the Case report of your dispatch.  For the Cops and the Police, Who is your Government , who is your Leader , How does your Government operate in Todays Society 

Who is your Government

 Union-UAW. Now, on Tuesday, almost 18 months after the union Workers was certified, while others went  going on strike to demand a fair first contract.

and Riots Broke Out.

Who is your Government

 Union workers to pursue discrimination and harassment and Civil Rights claims without fear of retaliation.
Who is your Government

 These goals reflect agreements of all Workers Contract or  recruiter contracts that are standard careers or Job Interviews.

union workers contract for any house Whole Income,., and agree to any Wages to Be Hiring On the Job site, Just for any way to Pay their Bills and have a way to spend time with their Friends and Family. a wage of any agreement under an Contract.

Who is your Government 
 suffered from wages that remain stagnant in the face of ever-rising living costs. Health care coverage doesn’t include dental insurance, and adding dependents is prohibitively expensive.

the Struggles ''' of No work and No Jobs, No Careers.

 they rename it from Egypt , Slave wages. Who is your Government 
Who is your Government 
other issues that are crucial to student workers.  and the  Collage Broad demands all the USA family House Wholes,   to enroll their Families into School  and Collage. Who is your Government 
Who is your Government 
This process has consistently failed to hold powerful perpetrators accountable for harmful behavior. It also does not include a process for handling claims of race-based discrimination — leaving racial discrimination claims, under the university’s proposal, unbelievable through either the union procedure or the university’s internal processes. A process similar to the one the union proposes works effectively in student-worker union contracts at universities across the country. A neutral grievance procedure for discrimination and harassment claims is also available to unionized non-student workers any where.

File a Claim Not a Business school Case File.
Who is your Government

Jump to options for sharing, commenting and voting. Who is your Government 

  fake people. True Harm/ Just like Fake Government.

When you are homeless in the Out-reach Communities, Who is your Government , who is  your Leader?! Which is your Country .. 

Is your Government a Fake ..,   From Police cops/ all Fake Countrys. and Fake government .. 

When your  fake Government Invented New Laws and , 

the Police don't have a Reason to explain to the FBI.,
Call the FBI 
on the Officers,
 the Police, 
the Cops
 and the military  that is from Another Country.. 

 Congress is the  Authorities.  


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