{Pearson's Fashion} Newsletter , Anne Frank #Book the Surge.

   The Task Force and The Police Funds came out of Anne Frank Dairy's that had Image Journals of Mix Media.

Pearson's Fashion} Newsletter , the Surge. the Police fund have damage Society .

political scientist   the Police Fund and The task Force is Funded from the Anne Frank #Book {Pearson's Fashion} Newsletter , the Surge. the Police fund have damage Society . {Pearson's Fashion} Newsletter , Anne Frank #Book the Surge.

 Unfractured numbers results to the , The Damage To Society  from the Police fund , Fake Military , Task Force Cause to much Damage to Society and the Police Force Caused Damage to Society. 

 The Task Force and The Police Funds came out of Anne Frank Dairy's that had Image Journals of Mix Media.

Organization type


The police are a Highs Risk to Society and The task Force is as well. They all have already Cause too much damage to Society. 

{Pearson's Fashion} Newsletter , the Surge. the Police fund have damage Society .

Council of the Police, Riverdale the , and the Task Force at Battle over the empowerment of RTU, the surge. Both are an Non Profited Organization.


''''''While the Council of the Police Struggle with Breaking the  America Laws.

 The Police funds Never Met the requirements to be enroll to the  commissions of Money wise with their Enforce  slave wages of  empowerment struggle over the homeless Community and  the Task Force funds. The Task force is the slave wages of an -profit Organization type. The Police Force is an Organization Type that has it's own homeless   Community …

The Task Force was did not met the requirement to be Enroll into the Commissions or the Workers Labor Department .

{{ The Police Funds  Did not met the Requirements to be Enroll into the Commissions Department Nor have they been pre-approve for the Funds of the Worker's Unit of Career Union or the Worker Labor deparement.}}}}}'''



while the''' Tax players'' money from their paychecks was Cash and funded Community's Household.

Cedar Town. of the Task Force, and the Police Force Bully the Community.


The police are Fake body of persons


empowered by a state,,The State is Fake. The Society was renamed the State.AS an excuse and 




fake payrolls, Council battles,., the Police and the Task Forces of the Experiment, . The Fake defense company is a Museum , the Fact is that People broke into the Museum and stole everything,.

Council of the Police, Riverdale the , and the Task Force at Battle over the empowerment of RTU, the surge. Both are an Non Profited Organization.
While the Council of the Police Struggle with Breaking the America Laws. The Police funds Never Met the commissions of Money wise without the slave wages empowerment over the Task Force funds. The Task force is the slave wages of an -profit Organization type

. while the''' Tax players'' money from their paychecks was Cash and funded the RTU of the Task Force, and the Police Force.


A sales commission is a sum of money paid to an employee upon completion of a task, usually selling a certain amount of goods or services. Employers sometimes use sales commissions as incentives to increase worker productivity


. A commission may be paid in addition to a salary or instead of a salary. The
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require the payment of commissions.

service establishments of a Company's emoyee Wages Paychecks and Income.
Non Government Commission and commissaire and commissary is the Income from a company through the Labor department and the commissions department .
https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/commissions the Commissions Office defines This fact sheet provides general information concerning the application of the Section 7(i) overtime exemption from the FLSA to employees of retail and service establishments, who are paid on a commission basis in whole or part. 

Retail and service establishments are defined as establishments 75% of whose annual dollar volume of sales of goods or services (or of both) is not for resale and is recognized as retail sales or services in the particular industry. 
If a retail or service employer elects to use the Section 7(i) overtime exemption for commissioned employees, three conditions must be met:
1. the employee must be employed by a retail or service establishment, and  2. the employee's regular rate of pay must exceed one and one-half times the applicable minimum wage for every hour worked in a workweek in which overtime hours are worked, and  3. more than half the employee's total earnings in a representative period must consist of commissions. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/commissions
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Commissions and Commissary . 

A sales commission is a sum of money paid to an employee upon completion of a task, usually selling a certain amount of goods or services. Employers sometimes use sales commissions as incentives to increase worker productivity. A commission may be paid in addition to a salary or instead of a salary. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require the payment of commissions.

A fact sheet regarding commissions is available from the Wage and Hour Division's website.

Regulations on this Topic

29 CFR §779.410 - Statutory provision

29 CFR §779.411 - Employee of a "retail or service establishment"

29 CFR §779.412 - Compensation requirements for overtime pay exemption under section 7(i)

29 CFR §779.413 - Methods of compensation of retail store employees

29 CFR §779.414 - Types of employment in which this overtime pay exemption may apply

29 CFR §779.415 - Computing employee's compensation for the representative period

29 CFR §779.416 - What compensation "represents commissions"

29 CFR §779.417 - The "representative period" for testing employee's compensation

29 CFR §779.418 - Grace period for computing portion of compensation representing commissions

29 CFR §779.419 - Dependence of the section 7(i) overtime pay exemption upon the level of the employee's "regular rate" of pay

29 CFR §779.420 - Recordkeeping requirements

29 CFR §779.421 - Basic rate for computing overtime compensation of nonexempt employees receiving commissions

The representative period for determining if enough commissions have been paid may be as short as one month, but must not be greater than one year. The employer must select a representative period in order to determine if this condition has been met.
If the employee is paid entirely by commissions, or draws and commissions, or if commissions are always greater than salary or hourly amounts paid, the-greater-than-50%-commissions condition will have been met. If the employee is not paid in this manner, the employer must separately total the employee's commissions and other compensation paid during the representative period. The total commissions paid must exceed the total of other compensation paid for this condition to be met.
To determine if an employer has met the "more than one and one-half times the applicable minimum wage" condition, the employer may divide the employee's total earnings attributed to the pay period by the employee's total hours worked during such pay period. If the result is greater than time and one-half the minimum wage, this condition of the exemption has been met.
Hotels, motels and restaurants may levy mandatory service charges on customers which represent a percentage of amounts charged customers for services. If part or all of the service charges are paid to service employees, that payment may be considered commission and, if other conditions in section 7(i) are met, the service employees may be exempt from the payment of overtime premium pay. 

Typical Problems
Regulations require that employers maintain accurate records of hours worked each workday, hours worked each workweek, and earnings and wages paid. Without hours worked and earnings records, the employer will be unable to substantiate that all conditions for the exemption have been met. In addition, the employer must select a representative period of at least one month, but not more than one year, which typifies the characteristics of the employee's earning pattern, in order to test whether the employee is paid principally by commissions. 
Tips paid to service employees by customers may never be considered commissions for the purposes of this exemption.
An employee is employed by the central office of a retail chain enterprise as a sales instructor working in the various retail establishments. Since this employee is employed by the central office and not "by" the retail "establishment", the exemption does not apply.
Where to Obtain Additional Information
For additional information, visit our Wage-Hour website: http://www.wagehour.dol.gov and/or call our Wage-Hour toll-free information and helpline, available 8am to 5pm in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487-9243).
This publication is for general information and is not to be considered in the same light as official statements of position contained in the regulations.
U.S. Department of Labor                                                                                                       1-866-4-USWAGE Frances Perkins Building                                                                                                       TTY: 1-866-487-9243 200 Constitution Avenue, NW                                                                                                               Contact Us 

  The Task Force and The Police Funds came out of Anne Frank Dairy's that had Image Journals of Mix Media.

Don't Call the Fake People. it causes Harm.
Organization type



The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by a state, with the aim to enforce the law, to ensure the safety, health and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder. Their lawful powers include arrest and the use of force legitimized by the state via the monopoly of violence. Wikipedia


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