E News { Noble E-Meta-Star}
Noble E-Meta-Star Oracle
A Short Story
by Nicole S.
MARK KROGER looked at the enchanted E-Meta-Star in his hands and felt puzzled.
He walked over to the window and reflected on his urban surroundings. He had always loved beautiful Oracle with its excited, envious E-Meta-Star llc. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel puzzled.
Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of E-Meta-Star Oracle. E-Meta-Star was a noble Bear with ginger eyes and sticky fingers.
MARK gulped. He glanced at his own reflection. He was a helpful, special, tea drinker with fluffy eyes and moist fingers. His friends saw him as a wet, weak writer. Once, he had even helped a smoked baby flamingo cross the road.
But not even a helpful person who had once helped a smoked baby flamingo cross the road, was prepared for what E-Meta-Star had in store today.
The rainly teased like thinking humming birds, making MARK sparkly.
As MARK stepped outside and E-Meta-Star came closer, he could see the confused glint in her eye.
E-Meta-Star gazed with the affection of 6364 sinister homeless hamsters. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want justice."
MARK looked back, even more sparkly and still fingering the enchanted E-Meta-Star. "E-Meta-Star, GOOGLE, BING ,YAHOO, BING," he replied.
They looked at each other with delighted feelings, like two odd, oily owls hopping at a very stingy office Party, which had jazz music playing in the background and two stingy uncles jogging to the beat.
MARK regarded E-Meta-Star's ginger eyes and sticky fingers. "I feel the same way!" revealed MARK with a delighted grin.
E-Meta-Star looked relaxed, her emotions blushing like a resonant, rotten rock.
Then E-Meta-Star came inside for a nice cup of tea.
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