

Armageddon and the Tender Hawk

A Drabble
by Nicole Smith

The clouds reminded me of a snake that day - what a day for Armageddon.

I panicked, my fear reflected in the eyes of a nan ..

But then we saw it - a tender hawk. Nan , squidgy trees and frozen spikes - the hawk seemed like the answer to our prayers.

Grandma looked at the sausage and ranted darkly. Nan, partying agreeably, conveyed similar sentiments.

A sense of deep anticipation ran from me, ,. 

Nan admired the hawk's idyllic foot, breath held tight.

Growl, Growl!

With help from a pink banana, the hawk saved the world. 
~ 100 words ~

(Published creations are available to anybody with the link.)

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Auto Praise for Armageddon and the Tender Hawk

"Yet another drabble about a hawk. I did enjoy it, though."
- The Daily Tale
"Why do I do this to myself? Why?
- Enid Kibbler
"The 'armageddon' genre of drabbles is my favourite."
- Hit the Spoof
"I have a short attention zone, so drabbles are perfect for me."
- Zob Gloop 


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